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I came to Anni for healing after an unexpected and devastating heartbreak. I wasn’t sleeping or eating, and it actually hurt to breathe most days. After the first session, my overwhelming sadness, confusion, and anger began to shift, and after my second session I received deep clarity, compassion, and peace in the situation. I was able to quickly open up and embrace possibilities for a new (different!) future than I had been planning. Working with Anni allowed me to move forward with confidence and forgiveness… I was able to heal with positive energy in my heart, body and mind, rather than floundering in the grief/anxiety/emotional turmoil for one more day. I am forever grateful – she is insightful, wise, and powerfully authentic when connecting with clients. Amazing!


Upon making my appointment with Anni, I informed her that I am a very restless person and have a hard time with being still.  She applied a scent to my pillow along with deep inhalations and within 10 minutes I was extremely relaxed to my surprise.  What happened after was beyond my explanation.  I am so fascinated by the way I felt the following days.  It was such a relaxing, new experience and I just love my special blend she sent me home with!  I use it before bed to settle me down.

Love xoxo Ann

I have had healings from Anni during good and trying times and each one brings on a new experience.  The sense of energy she creates is amazing and I often feel as if she is reaching inside my body and shifting things around. I am able to completely relax and allow her to heal my energy and I always feel amazing at the end of each session.  Anni offers personal words of wisdom from the energy she has collected from me and the advice is always profoundly meaningful! No matter the reason you come in to see her, Anni will help guide you on a path to self awareness and completion to a whole and more positive being.  Thanks Anni!!!


Having gone through breast cancer this past year, Anni's healing touch has helped with my anxiety issues so that I am able to get some much needed sleep without interruptions!  To my amazement, during my first session she helped me relax and I actually fell asleep on the massage table.  My experience with Anni has completely changed my perspective on healing without medication.


I needed a break.  I felt that my decisions were unclear.  My friend encouraged me to see Anni and I wish I would have gone the year before.  Thank you for helping me find myself and the confidence to "listen to my inner voice".  You are very special.


Thank you for always supporting me, helping me move through and change my patterns.  I am sleeping so much better and have a better outlook when I am under stress.  I appreciate your follow-up and your uplifting messages.


Making new friends has never been an easy task for me. I would hold myself back from socializing for fear of embarrassment and judgement. My anxiety levels would skyrocket in any social situation even going to the grocery store. Starting a new business and my daughter changing schools mid year has put me to the ultimate socializing test! The thought of a healing scared me for the same reasons. My first healing with Anni was an amazing experience! From the moment she started I felt at ease. In the weeks that followed significant shifts were in the works. Interacting with clients and other parents has become less stressful and even easy! It's a strange and welcome feeling to have confidence, and dare I say, "enjoy" social situations!    



I was experiencing some confusion and blocked energy when I came for my session. And through her use of energy work, sound healing and oils, I felt the energy clear and I left feeling exhilarated, empowered and much clearer.


My intentions in life are often clouded by the energy I allow to surround me.  Spending just a little bit of time with Anni, focusing on clearing myself, healing not just my body, but my mind, allows me to get back on track.  Anni's ability to guide her clients on their journey is simply amazing  if you are apprehensive about working with her  don't be.  It will be some of the best time you've given yourself.


I highly recommend a session with Anni. Anni has a keen sense of intuition and clearly knows what needs to be done! Her gentle communication and awesome healing hands left me feeling rejuvinated, relaxed and with a higher sense of awareness. I have sent two friends her way and plan to go back myself asap.....great experience!


I would definitely recommend Healings by Anni to everyone!  I am going through an incredibly hard time in my life.   I went to Anni to see if she could help me to restore peace and balance to my life.  I had never had an energy healing and I was a bit apprehensive as I did not know what to expect.  Anni completely made me feel at home and relaxed.  I was incredibly surprised by my results. Before going to see Anni, I was not sleeping and anxiety was taking over my everyday life.  Since my healing,  I am sleeping again and I feel calm and able to handle my stress.


My experience receiving a reiki session with sound healing from Anni was truly incredible. Anni is one of the most energetically in tune people I have ever met. She intuitively knows what is needed. Her loving energy, combined with the power of the bowls and other instruments, transformed how I felt. I was completely transported throughout the session. For example at one point, I could have sworn her hands were on my feet, but then I heard her play the sound bowl across the room! 

If you want to rest, reset an feel more grounded then you ever have been… take a breathwork and sound bowls class with Anni and Meghan! Experiencing their magic many times has always helped me release day to day stress while feeling more elevated and joyful. Priceless!


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